2025 Current Trends in Seized Drug Analysis Symposium


When: January 13th – January 17th, 2025 from 8:45am – 12:00pm ET each day,

with afternoon workshops beginning at 1pm ET.


Program Chairs: Dr. Maggie Tam (Canada Border Services Agency), 

Dr. Carl Fletcher (Defence Science & Technology Laboratory), and

Samantha Ollerton (Precision Plus Consulting)


A warm welcome to the 2025 Current Trends in Seized Drugs Analysis Symposium! Get ready to experience a week of engaging presentations from scientists from academia, government, and industry.

This year’s symposium focuses on knowledge, best practices, and advances in science that can help improve effectiveness and efficiency in our work.

  • Monday – Enforcement: We begin the week with an emphasis on trends and recent projects from law enforcement, setting the tone for the symposium.
  • Tuesday – SWGDRUG: During the 2024 symposium, participants expressed in the online chat box that they wanted to learn more about the recommendations from the Scientific Working Group for the Analysis of Seized Drugs (SWGDRUG). You will be happy to know that Tuesday of the symposium is SWGDRUG Day – where you will learn about SWGDRUG, how to apply SWGDRUG recommendations in your work, method validation, and more!
  • Wednesday – Satellite Labs: The participants of the 2024 symposium also conveyed that sample throughput is one of their greatest challenges and we heard from previous symposiums that field testing is one of the solutions. Thus, on Wednesday, the programming continues with Satellite Labs.
  • Thursday – Kinetics of Seized Drugs Analysis: Chemical analyses do not take place in a vacuum. The Thursday programming brings you the Early Warning System from the European Union, factors affecting seized sample distribution, and the popular presentations on ethics in seized drugs analysis.
  • Friday – Research and Development: Following with the tradition from past symposiums, there will be presentations on the latest projects that have a direct impact on seized drugs analysis.


The Symposium is designed for you! The success of the symposium depends on your active participation: asking questions, sharing your knowledge, recommending speakers and session topics, and providing feedback. There are several avenues for interaction: the online chat box, discussion forum, symposium survey.


PLEASE HELP SAVE YOUR SEAT!! There is no registration fee for this event! If you are able, we are requesting a voluntary donation of $10 USD per attendee that can be made by clicking by clicking the PayPal button below. Why? We pay a fee for every online “seat”. Due to its popularity, we have had to close registration for past events once the number of seats we could afford to purchase were filled. Our goal this year is NOT to shut down registration, but rather to provide a seat for everyone that would like one. A small donation from each attendee would allow this to happen. If you cannot donate, you are still very welcome to attend the event. Thank-you for your kind consideration and we hope you enjoy this year’s program.


Click the LOGIN button below to complete your registration for the Symposium!